Today however the sun is starting to come through here in Adelaide, work was decent today, i've popped in one of my all time favourite cd's and I guess myself is just back in action. I woke up with spirit :D I have lots of new plans for my life that I am still working on and I have started a sister blog which will be up and running soon.
I am always trying to be a healthier person and so I have decided to start studying health and nutrition. My new blog will be sharing my journey as well as being a health and lifestyle blog. Eventually I want to make a career out of sharing with the world how to live a healthy lifestyle with the right foods and the right mindsets. It is going to take a lot of hard work but I think I have finally found something that I am so ready for and can see me doing for the rest of my life. This time however I am not rushing into anything and I am just taking baby steps and seeing where I get to. I will of course keep things updated on here. My other blog will only be about health and nutrition and then this blog will remain as everything else in my life for now.
I am also in the process of decluttering my house one space at a time. It is taking a while but i'm trying to rid my world of clutter and general crap that has taken over my space. I am already feeling better and like I can breathe again and i'm only half way through my bedroom haha.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day and just remember when life is getting you down just keep on swimming :D
Liane xx
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