Well today is the last day of the school holidays which means our house has been rushing around collecting library books that are due back at school, finding all those lost socks and searching for the dreaded school hats!!
But the biggest thing on everyone's minds in my palace was what's for lunch this week!
From previous blogs you would have noticed that we have been working hard in the kitchen to have better home made foods for school lunches instead of the boring usual and packaged foods! and so far the kids have absolutely LOVED my new outlook on lunchbox goodness which has included salads, quiches, chicken wings, frittatas, sesame bars and much more all homemade in my very own kitchen!!
Everything in the kids lunchboxes has been healthy and different from the usual potato chips, sweets etc that you find so often these days.
Now I have had the '4 Ingredients Kids' recipe book since January but for some reason I haven't tried anything from it.....until today!!
Being the first day back to school I decided to make a little treat to add to the Lunch Box tomorrow and we found a SUPER easy recipe for m&m bars inside......well who doesn't love m&m's??

So in all the mad rush I managed to whip up some of these great bars in no time......be warned they aren't healthy at all!! but a treat now and then is no harm!! and I will certainly make sure that Tuesday's lunchbox snacks are packed with goodness :D
If you would like to have a go at these scrumdidliumptious treats then check out the recipe below.......it really is as easy as A, B, C!!
Easy M&M Bars (from '4 Ingredients Kids')
~ 250g pkt arrowroot biscuits
~ 400g can condensed milk
~ 1 cup M&M's
Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Blend the biscuits in a blender (I used my processor) Add the remaining ingredients and combine well. Scrape the mixture into a baking pan. Press down slightly. Bake for 20 minutes. When cooled, cut into bars.
Enjoy!! and don't forget to keep following the blog for more lunchbox recipes and more!!
Liane xxx
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