It has been a long dream of mine to be able to cook amazingly and provide healthy and non processed meals for my family! But as everyone who knows me has realised i'm not that good in the kitchen, i'm ok but far from good
I tend to take the easy way out!
Instead of making my own pastries and sauces I just buy them ready made!
Instead of looking for the best parts of meat I just grab some already diced or stripped meat from my local Coles or Woolworths!
I tend to take the easy way out!
Instead of making my own pastries and sauces I just buy them ready made!
Instead of looking for the best parts of meat I just grab some already diced or stripped meat from my local Coles or Woolworths!
But things are certainly changing! I have decided that never making a risotto, lasagne, kids snacks and much more from scratch really needs to change! because honestly what are we feeding our children?? I have been watching shows like 'Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution', Gordon Ramsey's 'Kitchen Nightmare's' and so many other shows and it just seems that homemade with love and care is just better for everyone!!
So this week I have started growing my herbs and spices collection (Now I really need a spice rack :P) and I got stuck into Jamie Olivers book 'Cook with Jamie' as well as some other baking books I just had collecting dust on the shelf!
And away I went.......
First on my list was to change my kids lunch boxes! from the LCM's, basic sandwiches and potato chips to something MUCH better! so they went to school with a salad and blueberry muffins and some fruit! sooo much better and even my youngest came home with a big smile on his face and said "can we please have salad everyday" WOW!!!
First on my list was to change my kids lunch boxes! from the LCM's, basic sandwiches and potato chips to something MUCH better! so they went to school with a salad and blueberry muffins and some fruit! sooo much better and even my youngest came home with a big smile on his face and said "can we please have salad everyday" WOW!!!
Once I had baked the muffins I just couldn't stop! so next on the list was a new dinner I had never tried before! Rissotto! so I grabbed my Jamie Oliver book and got started.......
Tomato, Basil and Ricotta Risotto
So look out for some recipes and meal plans coming up very soon!!
Liane xxxxx
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