Well this weekend is shaping up to be a very lazy one for me :D Finally a whole weekend where I get to spend time doing whatever I want YAY!
The kids are away having a blast I hope at birthday party sleepovers and visiting family.....My year 12 studies are over and my portfolio and university application are completed and handed in so no excessive hours of stressing and huddling over pages of chapters on the russian revolution and climate change are required from me :D All orders for my handmade, online business are on hold as I wait for fabrics to arrive and I have no markets to head to this weekend......
I started my Friday night reading a new book! Undead and Unfinished by Mary-Janice Davidson only read the first couple of chapters but so far so good :D it's like sex in the city vs vampires, witches and all that jazz!! very funny and entertaining so far!
Then Friday night I spent the evening with my fiance, we headed out to the city to watch a friends band and catch up with people we haven't seen for quite a while! it was very nice but it seems I can't party like I used to. Must be getting old because 2 vodkas and I was tipsy and tired! but a fun night was had and I was in bed by 1am like a good girl :P
Now it is Saturday morning and I am getting stuck into the first season of the tv show Buffy the Vampire Slayer! haven't seen this show since I was about 16 so when I saw at the store I had to grab it! I watched the first couple of episodes this morning and i'm hooked.....

The rest of my Saturday will be spent catching up on some housework, watching more of Buffy and then maybe some writing. I have a few stories to keep working on!
Basically I am loving having a weekend where nothing is planned everything is just happening on the spur of the moment and it is great to sit back and relax. Hopefully my Sunday will also be relaxing :D
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Liane xx
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