Yep I have become obsessed with Pinterest recently!
I absolutely love it and spend hours of my time just browsing all the wonderful ideas and pics just wishing for the day when I can have everything and visit everywhere! it is like the new chocolate and soppy romantic movie to cure a woman's blue days :D
Well this week on Pinterest I have taken a particular interest in some ideas for the kids!
and gosh! there are a is a peek at some of the things I enjoyed and hope to make over the holidays to help organise the household better and entertain the kids...

The Journal Jar: love this idea...fill a jar with all sorts of topics for kids to write about in their journal. I'm very big on writing in my house and my kids are getting to that age where they should start keeping journals! or fill it with homework ideas!
This one is also a great idea "Tech Tickets" don't know if my kids would like me but basically each week you give the kids 10 tickets and each ticket is worth 30 minutes of technology. T.V, computer games, internet etc. You can use the tickets whenever but once they are gone that's it!......great idea for kids who spend too much time in front of a screen :D

HaHa now this one I love just because of the name "Crap Baskets" this one is simple and easy.....Mummy (that would be me) collects things that have been left out around the house as the day goes on and at the end of the day everyone takes their basket to bed with them and packs it all away.....great for those little items that get overlooked and end up under the couch most of the time.
Wish I had the stairs to make the baskets look even cooler! (hint hint hubby)
Well if you haven't discovered Pinterest yet I highly recommend taking a peek and checking out the wide world of ideas, fashion tips, recipes and much more :D
Liane xx
I absolutely love it and spend hours of my time just browsing all the wonderful ideas and pics just wishing for the day when I can have everything and visit everywhere! it is like the new chocolate and soppy romantic movie to cure a woman's blue days :D
Well this week on Pinterest I have taken a particular interest in some ideas for the kids!
and gosh! there are a is a peek at some of the things I enjoyed and hope to make over the holidays to help organise the household better and entertain the kids...
The Journal Jar: love this idea...fill a jar with all sorts of topics for kids to write about in their journal. I'm very big on writing in my house and my kids are getting to that age where they should start keeping journals! or fill it with homework ideas!
HaHa now this one I love just because of the name "Crap Baskets" this one is simple and easy.....Mummy (that would be me) collects things that have been left out around the house as the day goes on and at the end of the day everyone takes their basket to bed with them and packs it all away.....great for those little items that get overlooked and end up under the couch most of the time.
Wish I had the stairs to make the baskets look even cooler! (hint hint hubby)
Well if you haven't discovered Pinterest yet I highly recommend taking a peek and checking out the wide world of ideas, fashion tips, recipes and much more :D
Liane xx