The last couple of weeks in my little world have been hectic, crazy and I must say extremely stressful!! But I have learnt many new things.......
I learnt that in this world a little colour can make any day that tiny bit better! wether the colour comes from the flowers, the sunshine, your favourite coloured cardigan on a dreary day, a rainbow, a childs coloured tongue after eating a sweet and then sticking their tongue out.........colour can really change a day! and I learnt that colours are one of my favourite things in the entire world :D
I learnt that life is short! I have pondered this phrase many times over the last couple of weeks. What have I done with my life? What do I want to do with my life?..........I am still working on it but I know that I am not just going to let it slip away into nothing.......I am going to write lists and make inspiration boards of all the things I want to do......I know some will be harder to do than others but my dreams will never be reality unless I get up and go!!
I learnt that change is needed for anything to get better! and it all starts with ME! 
I learnt that Prince Charmings do exist and that fairytales can come true if you just believe! My life is proof of that and my man is certainly my Prince Charming :D now we just have to finish the fairytale........because we have only just begun!!
Liane xxxx