
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Dishes of the week 12!
this week me and my fiance organised some new charts for our house and the kiddies so that they coul get more involved in helping and we could all work together as a team! In doing this we decided that once a week we would let the kids cook so on Monday Mikey gets to cook something special with Mummy's help and on Tuesday Rahni gets to cook with just a little help from dad because she is older :P
(I will let you know some other tips and parenting ideas and how they work out in future blogs)
Monday ~ Creamy Tuscan Chicken (Mikey)
Tuesday ~ Spaghetti Bolognese (Rahni tries out dads secret recipe)
Wednesday ~ Pumpkin Soup and Dinner Rolls
Thursday ~ Honey Soy chicken wings w. corn cobs and pasta
Friday ~ Rich Beef Casserole
Saturday ~ we are going to have a special treat of takeaway
Sunday ~ Family Noodle Night
Sunday, June 26, 2011
robin and the 7 hoods!

One of the reasons i love it so much is because it has a
ll my favourite classic actors in it.....and everyone knows i prefer the old classics to the new stuff! With Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Sammy Davis Jr and Peter Falk how can you go wrong.....then add a cool storyline and singing and i'm totally hooked!
It is definitely a fun and must see movie!
Sammy Davis Jr is my personal favourite in this flick he is fu
nny, cute and boy can he sing! hehe i just can't get enough!

If you haven't already seen it i highly recommend giving it a go.....it is a twist on the classic robin hood story but with gangsters! what more could you ask for :P
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Following That Dream!
When i was a little girl i had lots of dreams
to become a princess
to get my prince charming
to become a mummy
to have a palace
to meet robbie williams
to be a famous singer and model and actress
to find the fairies in the woods
Then i became a teenager and my dreams changed (but not much haha) my dreams then were to
be a princess and find prince charming
have a palace
meet robbie williams (and marry him)
be a famous model (i decided i didn't enjoy being an actress and singing was only good in the shower)
to get to university
to find my real dad
And when i got to 16 years of age life took a crazy turn and i didn't think i was going to be able to have any of my dreams.....i had fallen pregnant and i was never going to be able to live my life the way i wanted. And for years i was miserable and the only thing that kept me smiling everyday was bubbly bouncing and cheeky little boy :D he kept me going everyday and made life seem worth it again.
Then i turned 22 and life took the biggest turn ever! i got my dreams :D
I found my prince charming who treats me like a princess every day
I already my dream of being a mummy but given an even better outcome by gaining a beautiful daughter
I was given the confidence i needed to kick start my life again (something i never thought i would be able to do)
Now i have some new dreams but this time i know that with my amazing family with me i can achieve them all:
To get married
To finish school and get to university or even better a decent job
To be succesful in my handmade business
To be the best mummy i can be and the best wife :D
Dreams can come true! you just have to smile and never ever give up hope!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Dishes of the week 11!
Monday ~ Roast Lamb with french onion roast veg
Tuesday ~ Beef scotch fillet with steamed veg
Wednesday ~ Bacon Carbonara
Thursday ~ Southern Fried Chicken with Cauliflower Cheese
Friday ~ Spaghetti Bolognese
Saturday ~ It is just me on saturday preparing for the market so i will have some baked beans on toast with a fried egg and my fiance will have leftover spaghetti
Sunday ~ family noodle night
this week i saw a new frozen desert in Coles soooo i'm being extra cheeky and trying that out instead of baking something! a yummy looking chocolate and caramel pie..........YUM!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Just Freeze It!
Today i had one of those days where i just felt like everything was too much....now it is in my nature to enjoy lazy days but there are many times when i wish upon that star that i had something to keep me occupied.
My wish came true.....
Be careful what you wish for!!
Now it seems from that one wish that i have everything to do.
Mummy duties have sky rocketed as my kids have endless needs and most importantly need my attention as they start interacting with the world and need advice, guidance and just someone to care.
Housework is building up like no ones business because i'm slowly running out of time to stay on top of it! But someone's gotta do it! So i try my best to plow on...
My year 12 studies are not only keeping me busy but also adding the biggest stress that honestly i just really don't need right now! with attending classes, remembering exams, keeping up to date with assignments and just plain old trying to pass.....i'm turning into a miserable wreck
Then we have my lovely facebook business Polkadot Bitz and Pieces which is slowly getting off the ground and although this keeps me very busy as i try and keep up with orders and stock for market it seems that this is the one thing that i am entirely happy doing....it is this kind of organisation and creativeness that describes me....that shows who i truly am and who i want to be......i have found my passion and my dream. and i wouldn't give it up for anything!!
And then finally there is my one and only.......After working through my daily life routines the one thing that completes me.....My amazing Fiancé, doesn't get the attention he deserves. With him at work working just as hard as me (maybe even harder) it seems we never get to hang out like we used to and i miss that!
I miss the dates we used to have time for...
I miss the coffee's we used to share..
I miss the walks we used to take....
I miss the trips we used to enjoy together...
Sometimes i wish i could just freeze the world and enjoy it!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Creative Time!!! ~ Polkadot Bitz and Pieces ~
Monday, June 6, 2011
Dishes of the week 10!
So this week i'm a little bit late with the dishes of the week...yesterday we just had taco's :D so in keeping with the simpleness this week here is the menu for the rest of the week xx
Tuesday ~ Steak and Veg
Wednesday ~ Cheesy bacon and pea Macaroni
Thursday ~ Apricot Sausage Casserole + Mash
Friday ~ Spaghetti Bolognese
Saturday ~ left over Spaghetti in Jacket Potatoes
Sunday ~ Family Noodle Night
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Sometimes In April.....
yesterday i watched a film that was absolutely heart breaking and incredibly emotional.....i had never heard of the film before....i was just looking through the drama section at the local video store and for some reason it jumped out at me....my eyes were bright red and very sore from me trying to wipe away tears.

Sometimes in April
The story of the Rwandan Genocide that occured in 1994.
Now i knew from watching 'Hotel Rwanda' that something crazy and unbelievable had happened in Rwanda but it was too americanised for me to fully understand the actual story of what actually happened.
This film made me want to stand up and research the story even more. In fact i have even found my topic for my Modern History Individual Essay.......
I might be completely stupid or just never had it shoved in my face but i never knew that something on this scale had ever happened after world war II and the holocaust....how wrong was i?......i think because in 1994 i was only 8 my mum probably distracted me while it was on television but still i feel ashamed i didn't know more about it....now it is my mission to understand it more.
Now back to the actual film.....you can tell i liked it.....but not in an entertaining way....i cringed and cried so much i don't know if i actually enjoyed or more was so interested it didn't matter. This is definitely a film that should be watched by everyone.....but be prepared with lots of tissues
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